This week...
September 14th, Berlin
Introducing the
November 30, Nuremberg
Video Crit Room - Expert Panel on Video in Science Communication
at the 8th Forum of Science Communication - Wissenschaft im Dialog.
December 1st, Nuremberg
How to iteratively Develop Communication Strategies within your Research Process? at the 8th Forum of Science Communication - Wissenschaft im Dialog.
October 30th, Tübingen
Conference talk Understanding Museums: "Visual Feedback Methodology in Museum Settings" Knwolegde Media Research Center
Aug 23-31st 2015, Shanghai
"On Your Plate - Socio-cultural Dimensions of Food and it's Leftovers", IVG Conference, Tongji University
I developed new in-app features for the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. They add a social layer to artworks as visitors find hidden storie and trivia throughout the museum, using beacon technology. This was part of the artistic research project Augmenting Masterpieces: Digital museum interfaces at the Rijksmuseum for the University of Amsterdam
Forthcoming 2015
"On Your Plate - sozio-kulturelle Dimensionen von Essen und was davon übrig bleibt", In: Essen und Trinken aus kultur- und sozial-wissenschaftlicher Perspektive, LIT Verlag.
Forthcoming 2015
"My Grandma Had the Same Dog" - User Camera Studies at the Rijksmuseum, In: Stylianou-Lambert, T.; Museums and Visitors Photography, MuseumsEtc.